As Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a "total lockdown" in the country of 1.3 billion people for straight 21 days due to the continuous rise in the spread of coronavirus, Shikhar Dhawan spoke out one of the most recurring issues that have arisen due to quarantine — birds and animal going hungry.
In a long post on social media, Dhawan explained how animals, who largely depend on humans to provide them food and water are now dying in hunger as no humans are stepping out due to COVID-19
In the video posted on Twitter by Shikhar, he says, "During this lockdown, a lot of animals/birds who were dependent on us for their daily food are now going to go hungry. Humble request to you to put out food/water bowls outside your homes. From the safety of our homes, save some souls".
During this lockdown a lot of animals/birds who were dependent on us for their daily food are now going to go hungry. Humble request to you to put out food/water bowls outside your homes. From the safety of our homes, save some souls.#compassionintimesofcorona @pfaindia— Shikhar Dhawan (@SDhawan25) March 24, 2020
India is hoping to break the chain of Coronavirus spread which has infected hundreds of people so far. In this situation PM has Called a complete lockdown in India for upcoming 21 days.