In a press release issued, BCCI secretary Jay Shah said, "The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has decided to suspend IPL 2020 till 15th April 2020, as a precautionary measure against the ongoing Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) situation."
He further added, "The BCCI is concerned and sensitive about all its stakeholders, and public health in general, and it is taking all necessary steps to ensure that, all people related to IPL including fans have a safe cricketing experience."
“The postponement gives BCCI the time to reassess the situation and have that much more time on hand to take a further call. The postponement will allow them to see if the threat of the virus ceases any time soon, remains in control, or gets worse. Depending on these scenarios and what the central and state governments say, a further call can be taken,” the source said.
The postponement also allows the BCCI to work on the visa issues of the foreign players as the franchises are clear that they want overseas cricketers in the league. However, even if the IPL begins mid-April, they will have a shorter window now and might have to change the format of the tournament accordingly.
IPL Suffers from Corona (PC:BCCI) |
He further added, "The BCCI is concerned and sensitive about all its stakeholders, and public health in general, and it is taking all necessary steps to ensure that, all people related to IPL including fans have a safe cricketing experience."
“The postponement gives BCCI the time to reassess the situation and have that much more time on hand to take a further call. The postponement will allow them to see if the threat of the virus ceases any time soon, remains in control, or gets worse. Depending on these scenarios and what the central and state governments say, a further call can be taken,” the source said.
The postponement also allows the BCCI to work on the visa issues of the foreign players as the franchises are clear that they want overseas cricketers in the league. However, even if the IPL begins mid-April, they will have a shorter window now and might have to change the format of the tournament accordingly.