Sunil Gavaskar donated Rs 59 lakh, while Test regular Cheteshwar Pujara also made an unspecified contribution to the CARES fund, joining the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.
Gavaskar, who is now a commentator and analyst of the game, did not reveal the contribution himself but a source close to him confirmed the amount.
Pujara, on his part, thanked all the front-line warriors including doctors, para medical staff, and police, who are doing selfless service at this critical juncture
"My family & I have contributed our bit to the-CARES Fund and the Gujarat CM Relief Fund, and hope that you will to.
"Every single contribution counts, so let us all do our bit and together we will certainly overcome," Pujara stated.
"We would like to convey our deepest gratitude to all the front line warriors - medical professionals, police men/women, grocery staff, and so many others - for their dedication, courage and sacrifices in serving our nation and humanity," he added.