As PM Narendra Modi announced the extension of the lockdown period till 3rd May 2020 amid coronavirus outbreak, the hope for IPL 2020 now looks to be fading away.

Ms Dhoni Ipl
Dhoni during a IPL Match

The 8-team league, which was originally scheduled to begin on March 29, was initially deferred until 15th April,Wednesday. But as now the lockdown is extended till May 3 it has to be Scheduled on a new date.

However, an official from a IPL franchise  has confirmed that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has informed them for the further postponement of IPL 2020 as the board is still hopeful about this tournament.

As the government initially suspended the visas till 15th April and also suspended all the public events, the BCCI initially decided to postpone the IPL 2020 till 15th April 2020 but now it needs further suspension.

However, now the further psotponement of IPL 2020 means that the marquee tournament will miss the April-May window and it would be very tough for the BCCI to hold the IPL 2020 in this year because of the cramped cricket calendar after May.

Few Important Question answered by our Experts :

IPL 2020 will Start or Not ?
As per few official source BCCI is still hopeful about the IPL to Start.

IPL 2020 will start on which date ?
As the lockdown in India is extended to 3rd May so the date will surely be announced after 3rd May .