Skipper Kohli took to Social Media to share a picture of himself with his actor wife Anushka Sharma and captioned it: “Knowledge of what truly matters in life is a blessing.”
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma with Bruno |
In the tragic situation created by the Covid-19, Virat has been one of the frontline fighters from the sports world who are guiding people in the tough times and acknowledging the efforts of healthcare workers.
Both Virat & Anushka have been urging citizens to stay indoors and adhere to the guidelines of the government amid the COVID-19 pandemic which has claimed more than 300 lives in the country thus far.
Knowledge of what truly matters in life is a blessing.— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) April 13, 2020
The skipper along with his wife Anushka Sharma has already donated a reported sum of Rs 3 crore towards the PM-CARES Fund to help India fight COVID-19 pandemic.