PM Shri Narendra Modi on Friday held a meeting via video conference with 40 elite sportspersons of the country including Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli, Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and Mary Kom on the ongoing situation in the country due to the coronavirus pandemic.
PM interacts with Sportspersons |
"Interacted with sportspersons via video conferencing on the situation arising due to COVID-19. Sports requires self-discipline, tenacity, teamwork and a fighting spirit. These are also required to defeat Coronavirus," PM Modi tweeted.
Tendulkar said in a statement after the interaction that 'PM Modi highlighted and reaffirmed my belief that we should not let our guard down after the 14th of April, & how we manage that period will be very critical'
The master blaster also suggested that as much as possible, We should use our way of greeting - saying ''Namaste'' instead of shaking hands, even after we overcome this pandemic "
PM interacts with Virat Kohli |
PM added "This is the time for our entire nation to come together and keep each other motivated. Like team spirit wins us games in sports, our nation should work as one team to overcome this"
The sportspersons praised PM Modi's leadership in this challenging time, according to a Press release.